The TopClass Blog

New tips, trends, and insights for association learning and technology

TopClass in Talented Learning's Top 10 LMS Case studies for Associations

Talented Learning’s John Leh, has put together his Top 10 LMS Case Studies for Associations and we are proud that WBT Systems TopClass is in not one, but two case studies.

We are delighted to see TopClass being recognised by fellow experts in the industry, in the cases of the National Education Association and America's Health Insurance Plans. Along with some interesting points about the changing landscape of learning management systems, Leh also outlines the benefits learning management technology can have for an association:

  • Increased revenue generation from sale of content and professional development
  • Global expansion of organization into areas impossible to reach previously
  • Increased perceived value for the membership
  • Economies of scale of creating great content and getting to use over and over
  • Manage continuing education for the members’ entire career


National Education Association

The National Education Association (NEA) is the first of the two case studies that use WBT Systems TopClass LMS and hosts approximately 500 online courses in their NEA Academy. They represent 3 million public school educators throughout the United States.

Here’s what NEA had to say about TopClass:

"Every aspect of the TopClass implementation has been flawless. It has been the most effective and straightforward technology transition we have ever experienced. Our LMS now does what we want it to do and we have more control over our learning environment. We are finally happy with our choice of LMS.”
Mark Stevens, General Manager NEA Academy


America’s Health Insurance Plans

America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) is a national association that represent 1300 health insurance plans that provide cover for 200 million Americans. AHIP use WBT Systems TopClass LMS to enhance their training offering, improve customer service, and save money by automating the learning management.

Here’s what AHIP had to say about TopClass:

 “WBT’s approach was different. They understand the association market and worked with us to put a flexible pricing model in place so that the upfront costs were not prohibitive. They also pulled out all the stops to meet our 6 month implementation timeline. ”
Raffaele Vitelli, Director of Operations, Center for Insurance Education & Professional Development, AHIP

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