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Best Association LMS: Talented Learning LMS Vendor Awards 2015

WBT Systems TopClass LMS is the Best Association LMS in the Talented Learning 2015 Awards


WBT Systems are honored to have scooped two awards and several honorable mentions in the Talented Learning 2015 LMS Vendor Awards, as announced during a webinar with analyst John Leh on Friday November 13. The webinar  highlighted the "Best of the Best" top 10 learning management system vendors in each category and outlined the mandatory criteria for consideration for the awards.

The first award for WBT Systems named Linda Bowers as the Best LMS Demonstrator, based on on hundreds of demonstrations seen and attended by Talented Learning analysts. According to Leh, "Demonstrators not only have to understand learning, the LMS and business objectives, but demo in a humorous, engaging way that is tailored to the audience. " Linda is Vice President for Services and Support at WBT Systems. We are very proud of her! You can see Linda in action at the upcoming ASAE Technology Conference & Expo 2015 in December.


We at WBT Systems were then honored when TopClass LMS  was named as the Best Association LMS. According to Leh, "Association LMSs have tight integration with association management systems, B2B and B2C ecommerce, globalization, audience segmentation, mobile responsiveness, usable social learning, virtual classrooms, webcasting tools, podcasts, event management and are designed with ease of use in mind for all types of users".

Having previously been described by John Leh as "the association LMS feature powerhouse", WBT Systems came "Top of the Class" (pun intended!) across the nine mandatory categories for qualification, which were:

  • B2B and B2C eCommerce
  • Community-based / Social
  • Event Management
  • Virtual Classroom
  • CE Management
  • AMS Integration
  • Strong Ingtegration
  • Global eCommerce
  • Skill and Competency Assessments and Management


Four competing LMS vendors were listed as holding equal second place in this category, but WBT Systems association-focused features and services ensured that TopClass LMS secured the win for Best Association LMS. WBT Systems also received honorable mentions in the categories for All-Purpose LMS, Compliance LMS and Continuing Education LMS.


Want to see the #1 Association LMS in action? Request a demo before December 31, 2015 and ask about our special pricing offers!

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